• Anti-Racism Statement

    9th of July, 2020

    Statement from OAMFT Board re: Racial Discrimination 

    The OAMFT board takes a firm stand with Black communities and all other marginalized persons as we bear witness to and process the devastating events of racism in our own nation and worldwide, that has always existed but is now being brought more to light. We strongly condemn all acts of racism and systemic racism. The OAMFT strongly encourages our members to become actively engaged in exploring and implementing anti-racism practices, to be involved in seeking ways to bring an end to racism and uphold the rights, dignity and respect of every person.

    No one is lesser than. No life is worth less than someone else’s. No one should be pre-judged based on the colour of their skin. Yet it happens. Every day. It is not only in Minneapolis with George Floyd. It happens in our very own communities.

    As Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), we have a responsibility and an obligation to bring these injustices to light. We need to engage in difficult conversations with our clients, supervisees, friends, neighbours, and families.

    We love that we live in this wonderfully diverse Province of Ontario, but we are not ignorant to the fact that racism exists here. We are on the verge of a revolution, and we are so proud and touched by the protesters that have taken to the streets in the middle of a Pandemic. That makes a statement. A bold statement. A statement that says, we will not put up with this systemic racism anymore. And we shouldn’t. We mustn’t.

    As MFTs, we work with people of all colours. We do not shy away from hard and uncomfortable conversations. We are advocates. We are allies. Let us remember that the work that we do makes a difference. We are part of the system and we can influence it in many ways. There is inequality in police brutality, inequality in healthcare, inequality in education, inequality in the workplace, and inequality in our judicial system. Change can come from one conversation. It can come from unlearning what we have learned in a subtle way.

    So, what can we do at the OAMFT?

    The OAMFT Board is committed to making any effort to co-create opportunities for you to further conversations on racial inequality, marginalized voices, and narratives. Our commitment will be reflected on the future planning of webinars and conferences.

    To echo the AAMFT in their statement on MFT Responsibility to Counter Racism,

    “There is no room in our society for inequality and it is vital that we use our platforms, relationships, and training to enact change”.

    Please follow the links below to connect you with some helpful resources!

    AAMFT blog post from June 1, 2020: Resources for MFTs in a Racialized Climate

    AAMFT Podcast: Healing Racial Trauma